Marshall Clement
Deputy Director, Policy and Strategic Planning
Justice Center, The Council of State Governments

Marshall Clement provides strategic leadership across the breadth of the CSG Justice Center’s policy and programmatic work to increase public safety and strengthen communities. Previously, Marshall served as the organization’s division director of state initiatives. Over a 13-year tenure at the CSG Justice Center, Marshall led the growth and evolution of the Justice Reinvestment program, which assists policymakers seeking to reduce spending on corrections and reinvest these savings in strategies that lower recidivism rates and increase public safety. As part of this process, Marshall coordinated the work of a team of policy analysts and national experts to analyze corrections data and policy and develop policy options for policymakers in 27 states. He regularly facilitated meetings among judicial and state agency officials and testified before legislative committees in various states across the country; his findings have been used to inform policy initiatives that have enjoyed overwhelming bipartisan support. Marshall received his BA in public policy with honors from Brown University.