The Correctional Leaders Association (CLA) is proud to announce the launch of the free, evidence-based e-learning course Reentry Best Practices for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders, developed in partnership with the Addiction Policy Forum and the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
Participants will learn about screening and assessment for substance use disorders (SUD), evidence-based medications and behavioral interventions, and essential components of reentry planning, including providing linkages to care and developing a relapse prevention plan.
The course features presentations from leading researchers and practitioners, including: ● Dr. Tisha Wiley, NIDA; ● Dr. Wilson Compton, NIDA; ● Dr. Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University; ● Sarah Wurzburg, CSG Justice Center and many other instructors.
To learn more or sign up for the course, click here: (You’ll need to create an account, but registration is free). |